Oak Leaves

List Of Oak Leaves

Here you'll find a selection of oak leaves.

white oak (Quercus alba) leaf

The leaves of the White oak are funnel-shaped, sinuate and up to 20 cm long and 9 cm wide. The upside is green to gray-green, the underside is lighter. In the sprouting the leaves are tomentose and slightly reddish. The leaf margin is smooth.

turkish oak (Quercus zerris) leaf

The leaves of Turkey Oak are dark green, slightly sinuate and up to 12 cm (4.7 in) long and up to 5 cm (2 in) broad. The leaf margin is smooth.

sessile oak (Quercus petraea) leaf

The leaves of Sessile Oak are sinuate dark, olive green and up to 14 cm (5.5 in) long. The leaves sprout early. The leaf margin is smooth.

swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor) leaf

The leaves of the Swamp white oak are broad ovoid, green, sinuate, lobed with 10 to 14 lobes and stalked. The leaf is 12 – 18 cm (4.7 – 7.1 in) long and 7 – 11 cm (2.8 – 4.3 in). The petiole is often reddish. The underside of the leaf is tomentose silvery. The leaf margin is smooth.
