Dr. Hans Jürgen Buhr, Berlin, for permission to use images of his website pflanzengallen.de
Katharina North for photos to the topic root excrescence
Ines Buchmann, Milda, for an image to lime leaf spots (Gloeosporium tiliae) on lime leaves.
Jürgen Pierschel for photos to the topic dryad' s saddle.
Fritz Bergjan for photos to the topic spittlebug or froghopper.
Adolf Zeller und Peter Hempel for photos to the topic chicken of the woods.
G. Heißner for photos to the topic Grünalge Trentepohlia aurea.
August Rosenboom for photos to the topic shaggy bracket.
Peter Ulbrich and Masaharu Zloch for photos to the topic thick-walled maze polypore.
Josef Erbach for the image to oyster mushroom.
Traute Horz for photos to the topic yellow brain.
Joerg Weber for photos to the topic leakage of juice at walnut trees
Hermann Josef Vogt, Münster, from tree nursery Eschweiler for his support to get photos.
Andreas Franke for photos to the topic goat moth.
Dilip Godhia for photos to the topic long leaved yellowwood.
Don Watson, California, for the pictures of valley oak